Imagine: What could your business achieve if 82% of your line managers could generate 23% better results and 32% better productivity from their teams? Picture an exponential performance boost that would generate better outcomes for the business, your customers, shareholders and employees.
Sound too good to be true? It’s an ambition that’s actually very realistic! And one in which HR has a vital role to play.
So, how can companies tap into such a powerful resource?
Train line managers to be managers.
That’s it.
The ‘accidental manager’ is a resource waiting to be tapped. A huge population of well-meaning, chronically busy, talented employees who aren’t confident handling everyday leadership responsibilities like performance management, coaching conversations and employee development.
At Appraisd we believe that investing in accidental managers is key to personal and organisational success.
The ‘Accidental Manager’
Who is an accidental manager? Research from The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) estimates that 70-80% of managers in the UK are ‘accidental managers’. That is, managers who have received no formal training in management or leadership skills.
The CMI research shows that investment in management and leadership development programmes leads to an average of 23% increase in organisational performance and 32% increase in employee engagement and productivity. Its research also found that those with formal management training are significantly more likely to trust their team and feel comfortable leading change initiatives and calling out bad behaviour, compared to those without training.
Chartered Management Institute research on the Accidental Manager
- 82% of workers entering management positions have not had any formal management and leadership training
- Only a quarter of workers (27%) describe their manager as ‘highly effective’
- Of those workers who do not rate their manager, half (50%) plan to leave their company in the next year
Why invest in your accidental managers?
Investing in training is always a pro but training accidental managers has a powerful impact because of the difference it makes to their teams including:
- Enhanced productivity: Effective training equips managers with the skills to lead their teams more efficiently.
- Improved employee engagement: Good managers are better at motivating and engaging their teams. Gallup's research shows that only 10% of employees in the UK are engaged, but effective management can significantly improve it.
- Reduced turnover: The CMI found that organisations with effective managers experience lower staff turnover, which in turn reduces recruitment and training costs.
- Higher job satisfaction: Employees who feel supported and valued by competent managers, report higher job satisfaction.
- Stronger organisational culture: Properly trained managers can foster a positive, inclusive, and productive culture, leading to a more cohesive and collaborative work environment.
Want to know more?
Listen to our podcast conversation with Kate Waterfall Hill, Leadership Coach at Waterfall Hill Consulting Ltd. and the creator of “Linda, the bad manager” on accidental managers.
At Appraisd, we know that managers who are confident and competent at performance management can bring all these benefits to their teams and their organisations.
Accidental managers and performance management
Performance management is an area where many accidental managers struggle. That might be because they don’t feel comfortable having performance conversations or perhaps, they’re worried about saying the wrong thing, or just overwhelmed by a cumbersome process when they’re already super-busy!
Getting accidental managers on board with performance management can help reduce the excuses we hear from line managers when it comes to reviews: “I don’t have time”, “My team is doing fine so I don’t need to check in with them”, and “I only need to have the conversation at salary or bonus review time”, are some of the most common that we come across (and that we explored on our webinar on this topic).
Plus, training these managers means that the organisation can start to tap into that 23% better results and 32% better productivity. It’s a win-win.
30 days to get your ‘accidental managers’ having performance conversations
If, like most businesses, you have a large cohort of accidental managers, Appraisd has you covered. Our four-week free mini course for HR Managers and CHROs provides everything you need to get accidental managers up, running, and fully engaged in performance management in just 30 days. Learn more or sign up at the link below.