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“There is no doubt that employees are much more engaged with their reviews now than they were before. They are finding them much easier to complete and have a far better understanding of how they are performing against their goals. Teams across the business are working more collaboratively and have a much deeper understanding of how their department contributes to the overall goals of the organisation.”

Customer profile picture of Neil
Neil Wainwright-Farrar
Head of Learning & Development, Clarity Travel
G2 Badge High Performer EMEA Spring 2024G2 Badge High Performer Europe Spring 2024G2 Badge High Performer Spring 2024G2 Badge High Performer UK Spring 2024

Book a call with us

Let’s show you the system

So that you can experience our software in the best way possible, here’s more information on what to expect when you leave us your details:

1. Discovery call - 15 minutes - Find out what Appraisd has to offer and how the system can accommodate your needs.

2. Bespoke Demo and 7-Day Free-Trial - Next you’ll get a customised demo for your team and you can play around with the system for yourself.

3. Proposal
- We’ll work together to decide which features of Appraisd you’d like to include in your solution.

Complete the form below and we’ll get this show on the road… shall we?

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Leading organisations choose Appraisd