Include one-to-one Manager Check-in Conversations in Performance Management using Appraisd

Regular one-to-one check-ins between quarterly or annual reviews boost performance by keeping employees on track, maintaining a record of performance conversations, and encouraging a culture of feedback. Appraisd’s performance management software can support these conversations whatever your process.

One to one check-ins
Leading organisations choose Appraisd’s performance management platform
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Implement one-to-one check-ins in line with your performance management process

Whether you’re moving to continuous performance management or just want to add an extra check-in to diaries, Appraisd makes it easy for HR, managers and employees.

A step towards continuous performance management

More organisations are looking to adopt continuous performance management and develop a culture of feedback. Appraisd can support you by facilitating the automatic creation of one-to-ones as and when needed.

Set manager and employee accountability

Using Appraisd, both line managers and employees can request a check-in, giving employees more confidence to take ownership of their performance and development.

Different templates for different needs

As well as a selection of templates for different kinds of check-ins, Appraisd can be configured to have different templates and schedules per team, meaning the process feels relevant for each employee.

But don’t just take our word for it

From a personal point of view, I found the request a check-in functionality extremely helpful. I’m the only one in the business working in L&D and working from home I’ve missed the opportunity to bounce ideas off colleagues in the office. Through check-ins with my coordinator where I can ask for guidance or share ideas, I’ve been able to keep focused and remain productive.

Lauren Barber
Lauren Barber
Learning & Development Administrator

Appraisd allows me to know how employees are feeling based on the engagement question we include in our check-ins. This is hugely important now that most are working remotely. I can quickly see if an employee has a problem and speak to them and their manager to get things back on track.

Emma Powell
Emma Powell
Head of Learning and Development

The new Working from Home Check-in on Appraisd has worked brilliantly. Employees thoroughly appreciate that we are asking regularly about how they are doing on a personal level, not just concentrating on their work and output. This has demonstrated that as an organisation we do care about our employees and we are here to support them.

Sarah Smith
Sarah Smith
Office Manager

Take a closer look at Appraisd’s one-to-one check-in features

  • Extensive library of check-in templates
  • Fully customisable templates per employee cohort or team
  • Start a check-in feature means employees and managers can request a one-to-one any time
  • Store feedback within a one-to-one check-in meeting
  • Integration with Outlook and MS Teams for easy scheduling

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I link objectives to my annual reviews?

In Appraisd, an employee's objectives and review-based feedback form part of their reviews. As an administrator of Appraisd, you can choose to add sections for objectives and feedback which you can configure to suit your organisation's process. For example, you can decide what date range of objectives you would like to show and what you'd like your feedback questions to be. To find out more about this reviews feature check out our help page here.

Can I add reviews in bulk with Appraisd

You can add multiple reviews at one time using our bulk adding tool. To find out the steps to do this visit Appraisd help guide on this subject here.

Can I still see closed or completed reviews in Appraisd?

You can access your closed reviews from your Reviews tab. Under Archived, you'll see your most recent closed reviews and you can click Show x more to access the rest.

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Start building a high-performing culture & retain key talent with Appraisd

Make relevant, timely feedback part of your performance management process, driving development and business growth