How to…. prepare good objectives and hold an effective objective-setting discussion

Draft a strong set of employee review goals and prepare for an effective objective-setting discussion

Setting good employee objectives for enhanced performance

Setting effective employee review goals is a collective endeavour between the manager and their employees.

Managers can use this guide to support them in preparing good objectives for their employees. Following our checklist managers can draft objectives and prepare for an objective-setting discussion by focusing on:

  • Setting priorities
  • Identifying individual needs
  • Revisiting recent objectives and setting new ones
  • Meeting with employees to dicuss and agree objectives together
  • Record and monitor objectives in a dedicated tool

The guide also offers insight into what are SMART objectives and how to include the SMART framework in your employee objective setting.

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Use this guide when preparing objectives for your employees. Share information with your employees ahead of time so you can both agree individual objectives together.
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