Appraisd Experts webinar
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Calibrating Ratings: Why You’d Do It and How Appraisd Can Help

Part of our Appraisd Expert series

Many companies that require employees to be given an overall rating as part of the Year End Review process also choose to have those ratings calibrated.

The process of calibrating the scores that managers give their teams can be a useful way of ensuring that there is a consistency of approach. Ratings can be an emotive subject, particularly when they form the basis of pay awards and bonuses so providing a level of reassurance to employees that the process is fair is important.

In this inaugural Appraisd Experts webinar, we run through three ways in which the calibration process can be managed in Appraisd.

  • The first of these requires the department head or sign-off to provide the final rating for the employee.
  • In the second method, HR can adjust the individual ratings provided by managers – maybe following an offline calibration process.
  • The final method sees managers provide an indicative rating, these are exported then the final calibrated ratings are imported into the Year End Reviews.

Watch the webinar recording to find out more.

Presented by:

Richard Brereton
Richard Brereton
Head of Customer Success, Appraisd

Appraisd's Customer Success Lead, Richard Brereton, brings five years of invaluable experience to the role. As the head of the Customer Success Team, Richard is dedicated to helping clients achieve their desired outcomes and maximise the value they receive from Appraisd. With a background as a Customer Success Manager, Richard possesses a deep understanding of client needs and a proven track record of building strong relationships. Prior to joining Appraisd, Richard honed his expertise in Business Development and Account Management across diverse sectors. With a passion for driving success and empowering clients, Richard plays a pivotal role in ensuring Appraisd's customers thrive and flourish.

Alex King
Alex King
Product Manager, Appraisd

As a product manager at Appraisd, Alex brings over five years of experience with the company, including prior roles as a Customer Success Manager and onboarding specialist. Before joining Appraisd, Alex was employee number one at two other startups, where he gained invaluable experience in building successful companies from the ground up. With a deep understanding of Appraisd's products and customers, Alex is dedicated to driving innovation and delivering exceptional user experiences.

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Richard Brereton
Richard Brereton
Head of Customer Success, Appraisd
20 Apr
3:30 pm