Navigating Performance Management | Pay & Reward
Appraisd Podcast: Your compass to HR Success | Season 1 | Episode 2
Navigating Performance Management: Your Compass to HR Success is hosted by Roly Walter, CEO and Founder of Appraisd. We’re all about nailing the essentials of performance management and each episode, Roly and his guest discuss one of the foundations of performance management. This series covers: objective setting, giving and receiving feedback, hosting check-ins, talent development, performance as part of people strategy, organisational alignment, reward and recognition strategy.
Navigating Performance Management: Your Compass to HR Success invites in-house performance management experts who have practical experience to share their advice and aspirations for performance management in 2024. This podcast is created by Appraisd, performance management software designed to help managers and employees get the best from each other.
HR transformation consultant, Amira Kohler, speaks to Roly Walter, founder of Appraisd, about walking the tightrope of reward and recognition strategies when it comes to performance management. They discuss how managers can decouple pay and performance conversations to get the best outcomes for employees, and the dangers of making assumptions about people’s aspirations.