Microsoft Teams + Appraisd

Manage your employee performance easily with Microsoft Teams + Appraisd

Embed performance management tasks into your daily routine with Appraisd’s native integration with Microsoft Teams. Save time, celebrate colleagues, jot down personal notes and see what you need to do in Appraisd all without leaving Microsoft Teams.

Keep tabs on what you need to do

Get an overview of upcoming reviews, check-ins and objectives in Appraisd all without leaving Microsoft Teams. Take action and keep your employees’ performance top of mind at all times.

Celebrate a job well done

Let your employees and colleagues know they have done a good job. Provide feedback and praise to members of your team, and organisation, via Microsoft Teams. Recognition is automatically logged in Appraisd, ready for your next check-in or performance review.

Stay up to date with your team’s performance

Add personal notes for yourself or about a team member within Microsoft Teams. Take action on specific tasks such as upcoming check-ins, reviews and personal development goals.

Real time alerts

Check upcoming activities and get real time notifications on check-ins, performance reviews, or personal development goals. Be the first to comment on feedback and recognition given or received with real time alerts.

Integration FAQs

How does Appraisd integration with Microsoft Teams work?

See how easy it is to use Appraisd within your Microsoft Teams app. Learn more.

How do I set up my Appraisd account for Microsoft Teams?

Check out what you need to know when installing Appraisd for your organisation’s Microsoft Teams app. Learn more.